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The Perfect Picture Book
Authors and illustrators share what their picture books are perfect for

Papá's Magical Water-Jug Clock


⬇️ Author Jesus Trejo shares about their picture book PAPÁ'S MAGICAL WATER-JUG CLOCK.

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for anyone looking for a portrait of a working-class Mexican American family. It showcases family, love, and work ethic. A heartwarming story told through the lens of little Jesus Trejo who is excited to be able to help with the family landscaping business."

📚 "This book can also be used to point to a story that is all too common in our communities but rarely explored in kids' books. Especially through this upbeat and funny story."

Author: Jesus Trejo

Illustrator: Eliza Kinkz

Publisher: Astra Kids Books / Minerva

Publication Date/Year: June 6th, 2023


📌 Instagram: @jesustrejo1